Friday, November 9, 2012

Todays happenings!

I got a job! I'm kind of shocked because I didn't expect it, it was a group interview and everything felt so confusing.

Anyway the job is to book meetings for insurance companies. Not exactly "my work of choice" because it's almost like being a telemarketer buuuut..
When I got home I was a little depressed and scared.

But after whining from me and peptalk from the boyfriend, I try to see the positives of it: good distance from home, if I succeed to schedule many meetings it will be a lot of money and I can look how the hell I want when it comes to clothing xD And experience is always good.

I'm on introduction on Wednesday to get to know a little more. If you've been working like something similar I would be happy to know how it was? ^^


  1. Yay! :) Congrats!
    Om du inte gillar det kan du ju alltid söka andra jobb samtidigt och som du skrev, det är ju experience! :D

    1. Precis, jag tvivlar ju på att det kommer vara speciellt givande jobb liksom xD men all erfarenhet är ju bra.

  2. Congrats :D! I'm glad you found a job that's remunerative and also allows you to be creative with your clothing. I wish you the best with your career ^^

    1. Thank you I hope it will work out there and that I will found another job soon xD I dont wanna be an annoying person who calls people all day for very long. :P
