Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 summary

I wanna do a summary over this year. I am the sort of person who always feels better when I write things down. :)

This year began well. I had a few months left on my pastryeducation.
I got the internship I wanted and it was so much fun! My supervisors felt more like really good friends than just tutors, I still miss them.
I took the baker's degree in May and thanks to a very kind classmate I got a summer job also. The summermonths went by really fast! And I was sure that it would be so easy to find a job since I've never been without a job or something to do before.

August 20, was my first unemployed day. Some days, I of course think about how great that I get to cuddle with the cats and watch movies all day if I want, but I feel no purpose in society without a job. And it sucks.
What has been the hardest this year is that I so quickly went from living a happy life and be extremely secure and confident about the future to feel insignificant and poor.

But the good things about this year is the new people I met who I like very much and that I also have found a way back to old friends that I thought I lost :) An also, I started to workout in May which is something I have wanting to do for years, first I did it only at home, cardio and yoga mostly but then we found the karate club and I am really so happy about it because it gave me something to be excited about 2 times a week. : D

And another thing I'm also happy about is all the new blogfriends I got this year. I like you all so much!

I hope that 2013 brings me an awesome job, that our wedding will be as we want it and I also have these

New Year's Resolutions:

- Cut down on facebooktime
- Comment on blogs more
- Get rid of my sugaraddiction
- Eat more vegetarian
- Give Blood

Last year I promised myself I would stop ripping of my nails. And I succeeded.
So now I have long pretty nails. <3



  1. Snööö! Vilken fin lykta! :) Vi har storm och regn.

    Gott nytt år till er! :)

    1. Ja vi har regn här med :P den där bilden är 2 veckor gammal så, hah!

    2. Omg, FUSK! Haha <3
      Ha en trevlig kväll! ;)

  2. Happy New Year, Lesthi! When you write down how much you've accomplished this year, it's a lot - good for you! I wish you good luck in finding the job of your dreams, and that your wedding turns out exactly as you imagine it! :o)

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment :D <3

  3. Yes, I am so happy to share the lives of all my new blog friends too, you included of course!

    I know what you mean about being unemployed. I have just finished my degree, but now it is back to jobsearching! Sigh.

    Your nails look great!

    1. I hope this year will be as good blogyear as last year :D

      Then I hold my thumbs that we both get great jobs soon!

  4. Åh, vad kul det låter att ha utbildat sig till gotte-bagare! Jag älskar både att göra och äta desserter och bakverk.
    Jag vet hur svårt det är när man inte riktigt har någon plast eller roll i samhället/ arbetslivet. Kanske kan du utnyttja tiden till att utveckla din kreativa sida, att öva på dina färdigheter att använda senare? Då hade kasnke tiden känts nyttigare?
    Annar tycker jag att alla kan behöva en tid att reflektera, att vända sig inåt, att omgruppera. Jag är säker på att man kommer ut på den andra sidan lite visare, mer insiktsfull :)

    1. Ja det var fantastiskt roligt att lära sig sådant :D

      Ja, jag försöker att använda tiden nyttigt, plugga körkortsteori och skriva min bok och sådär men ibland är peppen väldigt borta :'D

  5. Happy new year <3! I really wish you the best or 2013 :D let's hope we both find a job xD (I've just graduated and I'm currently unemployed xD)
