Monday, March 25, 2013


I promise this will be the last post about food for a while now;) 

I just wanted to mention that today is waffle day in Sweden!
It is a wonderful tradition that allows you to eat waffles for dinner, wohoo! 

I don't think this is a tradition other countries share with us, except maybe Finland? 
Does your country celebrate any special food one day each year, I'm really curious!?


  1. Oh why can't we have that too? D:

    1. I really thought Finland had it xD

    2. If we have it the nobody's informed me! Maybe I could name tomorrow the International Pancake Day! xD

  2. When I read the title of this entry I immediately thought of this:

    Oh, I love waffles <3 I used to eat them with nutella and whipped cream... ah, so delicious. Why don't we have a waffle day T_T

    I don't think we have any tradition like this one, festivities aside :O (like, it's a tradition to eat lentils and pork sausage on New Year's Eve, but it can't be compared with WAFFLES *___*)

    1. That's my song xD

      Waffles is the best! I eat them for breakfast way too often I must admit. I like them best with whipped soyacream and raspberrys :D

      We have many food days here in Sweden, smudgy chocolate cake and cinnamon rolls have also got their own days haha.

  3. Don't feel like you need to limit your food entries for me=)

    1. Jag tänkte baka en påsktårta i helgen så vi får väl se om jag orkar hålla mig från att posta på bloggen, haha!

  4. I absolutely love waffles! Is that strawberry sauce? Yum! The USA doesn't really have a national food day because we are a mix of immigrants. However, our Thanksgiving comes close ... Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, etc. And maybe the BBQs associated with Memorial Day (the first day of summer) and Independence Day with their hot dogs, burgers and chicken.

    1. It's raspberrys, nom nom :D¨

      I wish I someday will experience a Thanksgiving, maybe I'll hunt down the recipes and organize a thanksgiving here for my friends sometime!

  5. You can keep blogging about food. I like your food. I did go out for Margarita Day last month.

    1. Nice! :D

      I don't think we have Margarita Day here in Sweden as far as I know.

  6. Vi har ju fastlagsbullen (semla?) på fastlagstisdagen :) Och såklart ägg på påsken om man tar traditionell mat under högtid.

    ...Haha! Och ärtsoppa varje torsdag är väl oxå en typ av tradition (en jag helt klart inte följer)

    1. Ja både i Finland och Sverige har vi ju en hel del traditioner kopplade till mat :D

      Haha usch nej, den traditionen skippar jag också varje torsdag!
