Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Do your partner read your blog?

I am very curious about this because I have noticed that it is extremely rare that boyfriends are reading his girlfriends' blog and I really wonder why! If my boyfriend wrote a blog, I am 100% sure that I would follow it.
My boyfriend does not read my blog and I can actually understand why because I of course talk about everything that is happening here, haha! But still.

I think that if we didn't live together he would read it though.

So tell me, are your beloved one reading your blog and if not, why?


  1. Me and my boyfriend don't live together, he still doesn't read my blog though. That must be because he's actually the one helping me taking pictures, so he knows exactly what I'm going to post. I've had non-fashion blogs before this one, though, and he didn't read those either. When I asked him the reason for this lack of curiosity, he said: "Well, that's because I know what you think and what happens to you". Which is quite true actually. :D

    1. Haha I see ;D I guess it's pretty much the same here, sometimes I think my boyfriend can figure out what I'm going to blog about before I even said I was going to blog about it xD

    2. But you know, it's kind of a wrong assumption, that we share every single thought we have with them :D. I for one don't, my boyfriend doesn't actually know everything that's on my mind. I'm not saying I'm keeping secrets XD but I have a lot of thoughts about, for instance, feminism, and although I talk to him about that and he listens to me and agrees, I certainly wouldn't bother him with all the stuff I'm following/commenting.
      And by the way if my boyfriend had a blog I'd still be curious to know how he'd address a public and what he considers so important that he'd share it with his readers :D

  2. My bf does not read my blog (or at leat I think so ;p) but I write mainly about fashion... He is into goth fashion, but he is rather interested in the MEN part of it ;p
    Anyway, even if I write about something else, he usually knows about that thing already, because I have more contact with him than with the blog ;p and if I find something interesting, I share it with him first.

    1. I guess that's sort of understandable. :P
      Yes same here, but the odd part is that if my boyfriend wrote about his daily life in a blog I would still read it, haha. I'm that curious.

  3. Ed 100% reads my blog and will usually comment on it over dinner or at other times we are together and talking. However, we have been together as a couple since 1997 (been married since 2000) and have been friends since 1989. We are very much interested in what the other is doing and saying. Ed is also my proofreader and will let me know if I have any typos, which is extremely helpful.

    1. That is sooo nice and sweet, I'm happy to hear that :D

  4. Precis så har vi det också! Cinnamon man läser bara min blogg sporadiskt. Jag tror det beror på personligheter. Jag är snackig och informerar vanligtvis min partner om allt, inklusive det jag skriver om. Han är mer introvert, så om han däremot haft en blogg hade jag läst den hela tiden, för att suga upp alla hans ord :)

    1. Ja det kan du nog ha rätt i! Här hemma tycker jag vi är rätt så pratiga båda två dock, det känns ju överlag som att det är vanligare att kvinnor bloggar än män (vilket jag också är nyfiken över varför det är så xD) och det är kanske därför männen inte heller är intresserade av att läsa någon blogg alls.

  5. No, my boyfriend doesn't read my blog either; first of all, we live together and share everything, that's there...yes, sometimes I even blabber about clothes and such things to him, but I don't think he wants to know more about my spendings...:P Seriously, if I'd write about games, or movies, he'd read it, but...fashion? :D

    1. I would really like and appreciate if my boyfriend would read my gender / feminism posts because I feel like that is interesting subjects to discuss.
      But I understand that our darlings does not want to read our fashion or outfitposts, even though I personally think that you write about lots of other things besides that in your posts that are well worth reading :D

  6. Jag vet att Andreas läser min blogg ibland men jag tror inte att han läser vartenda inlägg. Jag skriver nog om alldeles för mycket saker som han inte finner intressanta plus saker han redan vet. :P

    1. Haha, ja när man bor tillsammans berättar man ju det mesta :D

  7. He doesn't, because he doesn't know the url! Baha. I type secret things in here. xD

  8. My husband has dyslexia, so he has a very hard time reading anything. I share the stories I type with him most times, but he really is not that interested in most things. He knows the URL, he knows it is not a secret from him, and I think he is okay with that.

    1. Oh, my boyfriend has dyslexia too so I think that's part of the reason he might not be so interested in reading any blogs.

  9. Min pojkvän läser min blogg, jag tyckte att det var lika bra att han visste om att den fanns. Han har t.o.m kommenterat ett par gånger.

    1. Ja för mig skulle det vara helt omöjligt att hålla en blogg hemlig haha, vi kikar på varandras skärmar hela tiden :D

      Vad roligt att han kommenterar också om han läser!

  10. My husband reads mine and checks for typos, too. But on the nights when I finish up really late, he reads it the next day. Sometimes he says it's interesting and sometimes not. But he still reads it, which I think is sweet! :o)

  11. Min Johan läser min blogg och brukar lägga in lite snuttiga kommentarer också. Jag såg ovan att du skrev att du skulle vilja att din kille intresserade sig mer för feministfrågor. Jag är glad för att jag har en kille som är intresserad av detta, han är väldigt feministisk :) Kanske inte konstigt att han har flest tjejkompisar. Han tycker att det är intressant när jag berättar om de där små diffusa fenomenen som många inte uppfattar är sexistiskt. Sen har ju han själv varit med om när folk har pratat över huvudet på mig och vänt sig till honom för att han står bredvid. Du vet den där känslan av att ingen vill lyssna på dig trots att man säger något av intresse, inte förrän det kommer ur en mans mun, så blir det intressant. SUCK!!!

    1. Det är ju jättepraktiskt att han är engagerad i sånt! :D

  12. My fiance does read my blog - occasionally.
    He decides whether he'll read it depending on the title.
    If it's strictly a fashion post, he probably won't read it. Whereas if it's a lifestyle or emotional post, he's more prone to read that. ^^

  13. No, my husband doesn't read it. That's okay, I know he loves me :)

    1. Yes of course he does ^.^ I guess I could compare it to that I'm no so superinterested in what happens in some of my boyfriends games all the time. :'D maybe it's the same with my blog for him.

  14. no he doesn't read my blog and i haven't told him about it. not that i don't trust him or don't want him to know about my internet stuff he just really wouldn't be interest to know about it not like i write stuff i need to hind from him i sure he trust me i tell him stuff that i feel important to tell him... but i think he not worry he really not interested in the gothy stuff he like what he like and i like what i like and it ok it not like im doing online dating or some where i need to hind what i say to him

    1. I see :) it would be impossible for my boyfriend not to know about my blog, i love to talk about the comments I get, haha!

  15. Min pojkvän läser heller inte min blogg, men det är av samma anledning som för dig. Jag berättar för honom om ALLT jag tänker på eller så visar jag honom saker när jag fönstershoppar online. :)

    1. Precis, det är ju så man gör när man bor tillsammans :)
