Friday, April 26, 2013

Horses, hat and bruise

I have been a lazy blogger the last couple of days! So this entry will be a mix of what I have been doing :)

Yesterday we visited my boyfriends parents. It was a lovely day, such nice weather, I expecially miss living there when spring comes. A few years ago I and Mattias lived on a little house on their yard.
His parents owns a studfarm with morgan horses
and they also have cows and sheeps.

Isn't she a cutie?

Outfit of the day ;D 
"Sticky dog paws resistant clothing!"

Today I went to the doctor for a ECG.
I have since many years back had pain in the area where the heart is from time to tome, so I figured if they now offer such a investigation, I intend to take the chance since heart disease is common in my family.

And when I got home I pimped my hat with some flowers! :D

This is how the bruise looks now. It's healing nicely ^.^


  1. Ouch! What a lovely bruise! Good job on "pimping" your hat :)

    1. Luckily, the bruise doesn't hurt at all, it just look very bad :D

      Thank you, I like it better now!

  2. That's a nasty bruise but it's good that it's healing.
    Such beautiful horses! I really miss the smell of animals' fur...

    1. I think it will be gone in no time with this healing speed xD

      Aww, it's the best!

  3. Aj. Det ser alltid värst ut efter ett tag. Hoppas att du inte har alltför mycket besvär av blåögat. Rosetten och hatten är superfin!
    Jag tycker att du ska begära ett ultraljud kring hjärttrakten också. Det var tack vare ett sådant som de upptäckte bråck på kroppspulsådern på min pappa (det dör man knall o fall av) som han senare opererade.
    Eftersom det kan vara ärftligt så blir det min 40-årspresent till mig själv också.

    1. Nej jag märker faktiskt inte ens att jag har det, haha! Jag glömmer bort det och blir förvirrad på stan över varför alla människor glor. :P

      Ja det borde jag kanske göra..så läskigt att fråga om sånt ifall de tycker det är onödigt.

      Hoppas verkligen att du inte har ärft det!!

  4. Wow, that bruise look painful... at first I thought it was make-up!
    You boyfriend used to live in such a lovely place! I had a farm in the country too, I had horses, goats, gooses and chickens. I used to love riding when I was a child :D

    1. Haha, it doesn't hurt at all, it was just the first day luckily. ^^

      I knooow, I loved loving there, spring and summer is so much prettier on the country. To tell the truth, since we moved from there it haven't felt like it has been summer at all.

  5. Ooooh, the horsies! :o)

    That's quite the shiner you have, my dear! I bet it still hurts... No further fainting spells, I hope? :)

    1. They are very cute ^^

      No it doesn't hurt at all actually, I even forget that I have it and wonder why everyone stares at me when I go outside :'D

      No I haven't fainted anymore, but I'm more tired then usual, I sleep 12 hours every night. I hope that will pass before the larp, haha!

  6. Pållar! <3
    Helt perfekt, så vill jag också bo! Kläder som tåler skit och hoppande hundar är bekvämast. :P

    ECG, alltså EKG? Eller är helt ute och cyklar? När får du testresultaten?

    1. Ja det är bästa sättet att bo :D Jag vill också ha massa djur!

      Ja precis, det är EKG, jag var tvungen att skriva ECG för det var den engelska översättningen tydligen. Jag får veta svaren 16 maj :3
