Monday, May 27, 2013

A material day

Today I got some nice things in my mailbox. :D
My price for Ms.Misantropias challenge I won. 

Thank you so much! <3

I'm soooo mad at my glasses, my hair get stuck in them several times a day, so my hair breaks off so I ordered home some frames from Favoptic and tried them out.

I really really like these!

However, I did not like the diamonds on them but luckily they have them in black without diamonds as well. 

So I might buy a pair of those glasses as soon as I can afford it.  :)

And last but not least, I thought I'd show you my new hair accessories I created yesterday.


  1. ooo, those hair accessories are really cute!

  2. The accessories you created are super pretty! I love red&black :D are you going to sell them or did you make them for yourself :)?

    1. Thank you :D I created them for myself but 2 friends wanted to buy so I will make more pairs to sell ^^

  3. Wow, I must have missed Ms. Misantropia's giveaway somehow! Very nice haul, Lesthi! I'm smelling everything in my imagination right now!

    I like the red? pink? glasses with the diamonds! I think you could totally carry those off. Sure you don't want to change your mind and get them instead of the black? :)

    1. It was the Spring cleansing challenge :D

      I would like them if they were are darker shade of purple, but this is too light. And since I know I will have all sorts of color in my hair in the future I think black might be the safest choice :P

    2. Oh, you're right. If you're going to be adding lots of colours to your hair, black probably is the safest. :o)

  4. Åh grattis till vinsten :)
    vilka fina glasögon, du passar i den formen, har du något i lila som matchar?
    Hårspännena är jättefina.

    1. Tack!

      Nej jag har ju tyvärr bara röda och svarta kläder, så det blir nog svarta bågar om jag köper :3 mörklila hade jag kunnat överleva men inte såhär ljus lila.

  5. Congrats on winning the giveaway! :) I know how pleasant it is to get some goodies from far :)
    You look nice in your new glasses. And your new hair clips are pretty - moreover when created by yourself :)

    1. Thanks :D

      It's not my glasses though, I just borrowed them from a store online to see if I like them :3

  6. Jag älskar dom glasögonen. Har ett par som jag köpte från restyle,pl. Min plan är att sätta glas i dom så jag kan ha dom jämt. Ska bara ha råd..

    Men jag har mycke lila och nu har jag hel lila hår så då är dom perfekta. Men det fanns svarta åxå. Tror att dom åxå är snygga :)

    1. Åh vad nice! Var inne och kikade på restyle, de liknar verkligen varandra! :D

  7. Välbekommen, jag är glad att det kom fram som det skulle!
