Monday, May 20, 2013

Outfit of the day

I feel I am a bit lazy with blogging right now, it's been so much going on.

Anyway, we 40 who were selected for the parttime jobs here Västerås will now have weekly group counselings. The teachers are super cute and the 2 lessons I have been to so far has been good, although I already knew most of the things since I already have taken a course in personal development when I studied to be a project manager. :P

Todays outfit and hair.


  1. Nice outfit choice! I like the skeleton hair accessory.
    Glad to know you've got a job :)

    1. Thank you :) Yes, I have a job at least until 5th september which is a huge relief.

  2. Härligt att du har ett jobb =) Skön outfit också =)

    1. Nu blir jag förvirrad om jag har missat att skriva om när jag fick jobb, jag fick ju jobb i början av mars liksom, haha. Jag tror att jag skrev ett inlägg om det dock :'D

      Tack :D

  3. That's so stylish! <3 And glad you have that job. :)

    1. Thanks :D

      Me too, parttime is better than nothing at least.

  4. FANGS! :D

    Still liking the job, hopefully? Doesn't hurt that the counselors are cute ... ;o)

    1. Yes I still like my job very much ^^ Especially the days when I dont have to clean all the tables after the teenagers ;D

      Haha <3 when I wrote cute I meant cute personalitys though :D

  5. Awww those tights are so cute! You also look great in them. They're perfect with those mary janes <3 this is the perfect example of a simple but super stylish outfit ;)

    1. I love them. But I actually had to shave my legs to able to wear them, haha. It just looked to stupid with hair everywhere underneath them :'D

      Thank you so much <3

    2. Ahah yeah that happens when you have long hair, it just shows through the tights X°D well, nobody's going to think of you as less of a feminist, don't worry ;D

  6. Så fint, älskar mönstriga leggings & strumpbyxor :)
    Fast jag äger inga själv, ännu! Haha
    Kul att det går bra på lektionerna, men varför går ni på lektioner egentligen? :P

    1. Haha, du får skaffa några :D

      Det är för att de vill övertala oss att börja plugga när jobbet är slut ;) lektionerna handlar mest om olika yrken och skolor är det tänkt. Hittills har det bara handlat om ens egenskaper och sånt men det ska förmodligen användas till vad man booorde plugga till xD

  7. Are you working at a summer camp?
