Thursday, May 16, 2013


Hello :D
Last night was the first day since I came home from the larp I had time to relaaaaaaxe! It was so nice, I watched the new episode of Glee, Big bang theory and The middle and ate too much candy, haha!

Me and Mattias are talking a lot about our wedding right now. I can't belivie it's only 7 months left now!
I'm so excited, but also worried since we have this lack of money. ><
But no matter what the wedding will happen. If we are still poor when the invitations are being sent we will instead of contributions to the honeymoon simply ask the guests to pay for their food instead. It's the food that is most expensive and it will also be cheaper for the guests than to give us money as gift.

This is some stuff I found online that I think would be fun to have on the tables :D

For the sodabottles. 

A picture of me today, 

my forehead died a little from the larp makeup, it was covered with nasty zits all larpdays but it's better now. I'm sort of confused because I have never had a reaction to the makeup before. 


  1. Ditt bröllop kommer bli så fint och annorlunda. :)

  2. Välkommen hem!
    Jag läste en artikel om ett par som gjort precis så, de bad alla att betala typ 200 kr var för fest och mat, istället för present - och det verkade fungera bra. Jag tror att man ska vara tydlig med det dock, skriva det direkt på inbjudan, så att ingen går och köper något och sedan blir sur när de ska betala.

    (Jag är förresten ledsen att det tagit en sådan tid för mig att få iväg ditt paket, det har varit mycket här. Men jag lovar att skicka så snart jag kan!)

    1. Ja det ska vi absolut göra i så fall, vissa kanske blir lite irriterade, jag tror inte alla inser att det blir billigare för dem på det viset ens :P

      Det är lugnt, ta det när du hinner ^^

  3. Vilka coola etiketter! :D
    Låter som en bra idé det där med bröllopet, mat är så jäkla dyrt!

    Ang äckel-finnar efter smink, tror du inte det kan vara värmen också? Nu blev det ju helt plötsligt sommar och jag måste tvätta ansiktet 15 ggr om dagen istället för 2 ggr :P haha

    1. Eller hur, jag blev så glad när jag hittade dem, så roligt med små spooky detaljer.

      Ja det har du nog rätt i! Kombinationen av tjockt smink och svett är nog inte bra. Nu är finnarna i klämningsstadiet i alla fall så jag hoppas de torkar ut och försvinner snarast :P

  4. So good to know about your wedding plans! It is a good idea to cut on food expenses. What matters in the end that you and your beloved will be together in love and harmony :) Have a happy day!

  5. The black streamers are genius :D!
    Looks like a good idea, having your guests paying for the lunch (or dinner) instead of giving you gifts. It's certainly less expensive for them :)
    And, I love the outfit <3 those ripped black pants are especially pretty, did you rip them yourself :D?

    1. Absolutely, but I think some people will be irritated at first xD

      Thank you, actually they were already ripped, and something funny is that it's the most expensive pair of pants I own, haha :'D

  6. I've never been to a wedding where guests are asked to pay for their own food, and that certainly wouldn't be appropriate where I live. Is it a common thing to do in your area? Maybe you could make it into a potluck, where each guest brings a dish of food or beverage to share. Just an idea. I'm sure your wedding will be awesome.

    1. I think it's sort of common here to do it if you want to get married and are poor. We thought of people bringing food at first but i don't trust people actually bringing it haha xD
