Thursday, July 18, 2013

Some outfits!

Hello! :D

It seems that summer makes everyone blogg less frequently than usual, even me!

I haven't much new to tell but I have two outfits pictures from the past week so.

My only white-ish dress! It's actually enough black in it for me to feel comfortable which is sort of odd. 

Last week when we went to visit Mattias parents we photographed the house his father lives in. 
It really is a beautiful house and the inside is even better!
We actually wish we some day could live there.
But if we can't but in the future can afford to build our own house, we may just make a copy of this house, we like it so much. :P


  1. Sommaren är lite bloggdöd, så brukar det vara. Själv har jag också drabbats av skrivkramp. Men gillade den undre outfiten, riktigt cool.

    1. Ja till och med de riktigt stora bloggarna lugnar ner sig lite :P

      Tackar ^^

  2. The dress in the second outfit - aside from being extremely cute :D - is also extremely lolitable! I guess with a petticoat underneath and a pair of mary jane it could make a lovely classic loli outfit. I think you'd look great in lolita :D

    1. Hmm, I think i will try it with a petticoat :D

      I actually have some lolitadresses because 2 years ago I wanted to be lolita. I realized guickly I was way to lazy for it though but I still wear the dresses when I want to without all the typical lolita-accessories ^^

  3. Åh, vilket underbart hus! Jag älskar den stilen, alla de vackra detaljerna, inglasade verandan, de små extra-förnstren ovanför de vanliga och naturligtvis grönskan som växer över husväggen :)

    Din svarta hellånga klänning är också perfekt - jag har två stycken liknande :)

    1. Ja jag med, verandan är så vacker!

      Tack :D den är väldigt bekväm också trots längden.

  4. I love your summery dresses. I also think the ivy on the house is very nice. Where do you and Mattias plan to live, once you are married? Are you moving?

    1. Thank you :D

      We will still live here where we are now. Mattias has still 4 years left in school so it's best to stay here. ^^

  5. Nice outfits ! =)
    The house seems to have a big garden, is it real or just an impression ? =)

    1. Thank you ^^

      It's a huuuuge garden! I might have to hire someone who makes it pretty if I ever live there because both me and my fiance are not so great with gardens, haha! ;P

  6. Wow, that black-and-white-dress is really beautiful!
    And I can imagine that you want to live in that house. It looks so comfortable and peaceful, really harmonic.

    1. Thanks :D

      Yes, I love everything about it. ^^

  7. I love houses with vines all over them!

    And you look lovely as usual!

  8. Summer is so short (well, for some of us!) we have to quit blogging long enough to enjoy it before it's gone!

    Both dresses are adorable on you. And look - you have shoes on! :D

    That is a magnificent house. I love absolutely everything about it! Do you think Mattias' parents would let you take inside photos? For those of us who are nosy, such as myself ... ;o)

    1. Haha, you noticed!
      Sometimes I indeed wear shoes ;)

      Hmm..I'm not sure, his father only sleep there because they have the barn in another place where they work so he usually thinks it's too messy for us even to go in, haha! But I will definitely ask sometime :D

  9. Vad lång du ser ut i den långa klänningen! Eller så är det denna datorn. :P
    Åh, det huset! Gammalt, klängerväxter och t.o.m vacker utomhusbelysning. Hade det varit natt och dimma så hade det blivit ett underbart spooky foto. :D
    Jag kollar mycket på hus till salu och där finns en hel del gamla, fina hus, men de flesta renoverar sönder dem, så tråkigt att se. :(

    1. Haha jag håller faktiskt med om att jag ser ovanligt lång ut :P

      Ja nu blev jag pepp på att fota där nångång i mörker!

      Ja det är så trist, gamla hus som är så mysiga :/

  10. Vilket vackert hus hans föräldrar bor i! Härligt med glasveranda.
    Mm, jag har inte tid att blogga på sommaren, det är ju så mycket att göra :)

    1. Ja det är verkligen fint!

      Jag vet inte ens vad jag gör faktiskt, inte är jag ute iaf vad jag vet ;P
