Monday, October 21, 2013

Some shopping and mysterious sneakpeek!

This will be sort of a picture update. :D I feel like my head is filled with thousands of things right now.
This is what I have been doing lately.

Halloweenshopping of course! I'm not done yet though. I will look in all stores in my town this week so I dont miss any goods suitable for our home or the wedding!

I bought cinnamon candles for the wedding :D They smell so goooood! And I thought after burning the candles down the heartshaped cups can be used as dessertbowles for future nom noms.

A also bought this for our christmastree. I really look forward to dressing our tree this year because I have many new stuff for it. 

I also did some clothesshopping second-hand. :D I have forbidden myself to buy anything that's not related to the wedding when it comes to clothes but I just couldn't resist those. 

My cat has fallen in love with our boney man. She hangs with him more than she hangs with me..

And I have of course been taking more photographs of him than what is normal. But then again, I guess by buying him I took another huge step from what IS normal so, haha.

Last but no least, a little sneakpeek of my wedding outfit. I dressed up in all the items to see how it felt. 
I think it will be great, everything is comfortable and very very me.


  1. Jag har en likadan lila Halloweenskål :)
    Skönt att klänningen känns bra.

    1. Jag gillar den :D synd att den inte fanns i röd färg dock, jag har inte så mycket lila inredning.

  2. Draw me like one of your French girls ... priceless. Also priceless is the way the kitty looks like she's going to climb right up inside his/her ribcage! :D

  3. I love the heart shaped candle holders!

    Aw, it looks like kitty is hugging the skeleton!

    I am glad you are doing things your way for the wedding!

    1. Me too and I hope they will make the room smell like christmas!

  4. Ahhaaaha, draw me like one of your French girls...girl, you're crazy! :D
    I found an online party store, they sell cool halloween themed plastic diner sets and cups and I'm so tempted to get some for my kitchen...! :D
    Can't wait to see your wedding dress! ^^

    1. I know, maybe too crazy sometimes xD

      I would like to have that sort of stuff too :D

  5. Haha älskar "draw me like a French girl". XD

  6. Oh, fina prylar. ^^ Jag har bara köpt en lykta och lite ljus till halloween, har inte hittat något annat. :/ Buhu.
    Haha, jag förbjöd också mig själv och familjen att inte handla något onödigt innan Jul, men det första jag göra är att shoppa ljusstakar och en jacka på second hand butiken. Well. Det är iallafall second hand! xD

    Jag ser redan nu att du kommer se awesome ut på bröllopet! ^^

    1. Jag hittade faktiskt inte så mycket i affärerna detta år heller. Så typiskt, nu när jag faktiskt har råd att unna mig lite nytt så var det nästan bara tråkigt halloweenpynt :P

      Eller hur, second hand är ju faktiskt bättre än att köpa helt nytt.

      Yay vad snällt :D

  7. Haha, I'm a French girl, and you made me laugh ! =D
    Your bawl is so funny ! I don't even know if I have the time this year to make IRL Halloween shopping... but if I haven't, and if I find something crazy in the internet, i'm sure I will crack... ^^

    1. Haha nice!

      I hope you have time to find something you like, this is is the best time of the year to buy homedecor ;)

  8. Hey we have those same skull goblets! We use them to store spare change, when we aren't drinking from them during lavish feasts, of course. I'm very intrigued by your dress...

    1. Aren't they awesome! Me and my man will have our drinks in them at our wedding xD

      Yay :D <3

  9. Omg, THE SHAPE OF THAT GOWN *___* I can't wait to see your dress. It's almost time now. I'm excited *_*
    By the way I love your purchases, especially the heart shaped cups <3 (I have a thing for everything that's heart shaped) and well. The draw-me-like-one-of-your-french-girls pic almost made me choke.

    1. OMG I just noticed you made him wear the necklace just like Rose! This is genius.

    2. Yeees! Very little time left indeed :D

      I also like heartshaped things, I bought some heartballoons for the wedding xD maybe not suitable for our theme but i couldn't resist.
