Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wedding; Part 1, morningpreparations

I will blog about our wedding in four parts, first about the preparations which is this part, then the ceremony, then sessionphotos and lastly the party. :)

 The morning of our weddingday did not start so well. Darling and I slept in the building for the weddingparty, unfortunately our airmattress was broken so I did not sleep much at all, I gave up at 5:30 and started to organize my bags, finish stuff in the kitchen and put on my makeup!

At 8:30, I went to Mattias grandparents where my cousin Sara (the hairdresser) would be to create my hair!
It took 2 hours! We were a lot of people there so it was a fun morning! And the hair, I was so very happy with it, suited my dress perfectly! People asked me the whole evening if I had to buy a lot of extensions for the hair, but everything is just my own hair. That's how much magic Sara did!
 (click to see pictures bigger)

My cousin Sara who did this amazing job with my hair.

Some green tea for the nervs ;)


My sister helped Mattias with his hair :D

Cousin Elin ^.^

First look on his bride in the weddingdress, wiiieeh!

Mattias sister Tina and her boyfriend Jörgen.

Then we hurried off to the church to talk to the priest and give the CD with music. Our weddingsinger went seriously ill two days before the wedding so we really had to improvise on that one... very sad since we had been planning our chosen songs for three years, but what can one do :P
Then, Mattias and I hid ourselves to await the guests!
We were not so very nervous then, everything just felt so surreal!

Next part will be the weddingceremony :)

All pictures are taken and edited by Andrea Karlsson.


  1. Lovely photos, you look so beautiful on these already, even without the full wedding regalia. ^^

  2. Aaw, så fina ni är, allihopa! :D

    Det här med att brudgummen inte får se bruden innan själva bröllopet, är det bara tradition... öh, i film? Hehe, har ingen aning själv, men det är ju det man alltid sett liksom.
    Inte för att man behöver följa "traditioner" slaviskt, är mest nyfiken! ;D

    Vänta nu inte för länge med nästa inlägg! ;)

    1. Tror att det är en verklig tradition med, men vi ville vara med varandra hela dagen :D

      Haha, mycket stor risk att jag inte bloggar nu igen förrän jag fått mer bilder av fotografen xD har helt slut på bloggideér!

  3. Vad fräsh du ser ut på bilderna trots att du vaknade så tidigt :). Kommer ihåg själv att jag hade svårt att sova dagen innan mitt bröllop. Vad kul att få följa eran dag.

    1. Måste erkänna att jag är ganska nöjd själv med att jag ser så pigg ut med tanke på att jag var sjuk i 3 dagar före bröllopet xD

  4. Your cousin did an amazing job on your hair! I want someone to do my hair like that at least once a week, ha ha.

    Your outfits really suit you! It is good that you were true to your own style!

    1. Haha, I would really love that too xD

      Thank you so much :D

  5. You didn't look very nervous at all! You both look so adorable - love your choice of outfits so, so much. Also like Jörgen's beard a lot, too. :o)

    1. On these pictures we wasn't at all nervous yet :D it was just like; oh look at me wearing fancy clothing ;D
