Sunday, July 20, 2014

Harry Potter Exhibition

Yesterday me, my husband and my sister went to Norrköping for the Harry Potter exhibition. The day before I came up with the idea to dress up as Bellatrix, so I took some suitable outfit from my closet. :P

Wohoo! :D
It was forbidden to take pictures inside the exhibition, so that's why there isn't any!

The exhibition had lots and lots of props from the movies and you got to listen to what they had in mind when they designed, built and planned. Very interesting!

Before we went in they took this picture of us. :D We bought the picture then as a fun memory. I chose Slytherin scarf because said that it's my house, haha! 

I even got to try the sorting hat! I didn't know though that only two people in the large group we went with would get to try it on, so afterwards I felt a little bit mean to all children who were in the group who didn't get the chance. But so worth it ;)

Before we went home I bought Bertie Botts Beans, I'm excited to try them :D

Fun day!


  1. How interesting! You are lucky to be able to attend such exhibition :)
    I would love to try every flavour Bertie bott's beans!
    That pic of yours is awesome! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Yes I feel that I am :D

      Haha, the nasty ones was so yucki I had to spit them out after a while!

  2. Min bästa kompis var på utställningen och var jättenöjd. Jag vill nog läsa alla böckerna först =)

  3. That sounds so fun! I wish I could go! I would have tried on the Sorting Hat too!

    1. It was so fun, maybe you can visit the one in London?
      I wanna visit that one as well!

  4. Åh jag måste bara komma över ett lass med Bertie Botts!! Vi ska ha Harry Potter tema på vårt Halloweenkalas i år (jag vet att vi är knäppa) så vi borde nog åka på den där utställningen. Vad trist att the sorting hat bara tog två personer. Johan har lovat att han ska göra en, hm, jag tror det när jag ser det.

    1. Varning bara, askarna är små och dyra (39 kr st) och de med äcklig smak är så äckliga att man nästan spyr! D:

      Men roligt tema på kalas, det kommer nog bli awesome :D

    2. Ha ha. Skulle vara riktigt elakt att förstöra smaklökarna på barnen med Bertie Botts!

  5. Oh wow, that looks like it was an awesome exhibit! There's a couple of flavours in those Bertie Beans that almost made me throw up ... be careful! ;)

    1. Yeah, I have some experience of that as well now D:

  6. Oh noes, hur kunde jag missa en sån här viktig post!? ;D
    Skittufft! Lite avis faktiskt! Smakade du en såndär "vomit" bean? :D

    1. Jag har inte vågat smaka vomit än xD Jag är rädd!
