Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A candle for an angel

Sometimes, on days like this, it's so hard to work at a retirement home. 
Even though I only work in the restaurant, I get personally involved with a lot of the elderly. 
They tell a lot about themselves, and of course I learn exactly how they want their coffee, their favourite food. I like them to feel like they are special and know that I remember what they like.
Some are incredibly annoying, nagging, but there also are these little angels that lights up my day when I see them. Like Ingegerd.
Last night she passed away. It feels heavy. I didn't even know she was that ill. She used to visit the restaurant everyday for coffee, sandwishes and a pastry. She couldn't talk very well, so she always waved with her little hand so I could help her pick out goodies. She would always hug me and kiss me on the cheek. 
I know I will look for her everyday for a while..because I can't grasp that she won't come. 
It feels unreal to never see her again.
I hope she has good where she is now and that she has a lot of yummy donuts to eat. <3
Goodbye Ingegerd. 


  1. Aaw. Jag tror nog hon kommer komma förbi då och då för att ta en kaka iallafall. <3

    1. Ja jag hoppas hon vakar litegrann över oss i köket :D

  2. Old people can be amazing, have so much to share, so many stories to tell! It is great that someone like you is there to listen and care.

    1. I always get so curious because they have seen so much. I wish I could see pictures of how everyone looked when they were young :D

  3. Åh. Jag sommarjobbade några veckor på ett ålderdomshem en gång, och det är ganska knäppt hur fort man fäster sig vid gamlingarna. Dom är så fina. Vila i frid!

    1. Ja verkligen :( man spenderar ju mer tid än man tänker på med dem, så det blir tomt när någon försvinner.

  4. Jag förstår hur du känner. Även om det är ett jobb så är det ju människor som en umgås med. Jag tror att de har bra bakverk i himlen. Med lite tur så får hon sällskap av min mormor också =)

    1. Ja man umgås ju mer med dem än sina egna vänner ens.

      Ja det får de minsann ha, annars blir jag verkligen besviken när jag kommer dit :'D
      Aww, det hoppas jag <3

  5. Oh, I am so sorry for you :(
    I do love elder people, they have lots of experience on their account and can tell the most amazing stories if you listen to them. I think it is a beautiful job the one you do. I hope you keep being the great person you are and helping elder people to keeep the last years of their lifes bright.

    1. Yes, I'm fascinated over the many exiting decades they have lived through :D

      Thank you so much <3

  6. It is always hard to let someone go. My mum works in a retirement home, too. She cares for the rooms (not cleaning, but makes the beds, dedusts the shelves, waters the plant and so on) and always talks to the people a lot. She is always very sad when somebody she knew better passes away.
    But maybe you know the saying: You aren't dead as long as you aren't forgotten.
    So keep her in your heart, hopefully she's at a better place now.

    1. Oh she must be so sad to go back to a room where someone she cared for lived before :( I'm a little relievied that I don't get to see such personal stuffs like their rooms.

      That is true <3

  7. I feel sorry for you. It's horrible when you like or love someone and they just die. I haven't gotten the oppurtinity to talk with older people because my grandparents died before I got fashinated by the past but one of my dream is to befriend someone that is old.

    1. Same here, but I have my husbands grandparents who I have asked many many question about their life :'D

      Maybe you can volunteer at a retirementhome sometime in the the future and keep them company :D
