Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thank you!

I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who read and comment on my blog because you all deserve it!
You help me, inspires me, makes me think and most importantly all of you are proof that there are a lot of sensible people out there who want to create a better world, and that makes me so happy!

I think about it every day how nice it is to know each and everyone of you in this huuge internet world, I wish I could invite you all at once and have cakeparty at my home! :D

It's you who make it fun to find subjects to blog about, and I enjoy reading your blogs too.

So thanks for being there to brighten up my life!
That's what I wanted to say today. 


  1. Tack detsamma=) Din blogg är fantastisk.

  2. Thank you for brightening up my dashboard XD!
    By the way I'd love to go at a cake party at your home :D I bet your cake would be delicious XD

    1. Yay! We should totally add "cakeparty at my house" to the things we must do before we die :'D

  3. <3 I love your blog! You are sweet! Maybe we will meet and have a cake party one day, if one of us is in the other's country! I love that we all inspire each other! Yayyyy!

    1. Thank you so much!
      Yes, maybe we will, it's not impossible, someday I will be rich and travel a lot oh yeees! xD

  4. Thank YOU! The cake party would be just brilliant. Hmm, maybe someday, after all, it's not that much of a distance... ;>
    But really, you're such a golden person and I enjoy this blog immensely. <3

    1. It would be so awesome!
      And yes, you and me has pretty close to each others countries, but sadly it's so expensive anyway, that's why I haven't visited my hometown in 9 years :/

      I'm so glad you like my blog! :D <3

  5. Yay! <3 :D Jag röstar på att DU bakar allt till det här kak-kalaset, haha!
