Sunday, April 26, 2015

Long time no see

Starting to write a blogentry, yeah!
Don't know in this moment if I will finish it or publish it.

I feel like in the past 2 months I have set myself free from the internet. I spend very little time on both facebook and other random sites, and spend more time reading books, solving crosswords and also meeting friends. :) It's nice though to have a blog with memories, so my plan is to write here from time to time.

What has happened since February 3 when I wrote my last entry?
First of all, I cut my hair a month ago!
I quickly went from this:

To this: 

Many of you know how badly I have been wanting to cut it, but has been to scared. I'm so glad I finally did, I love not having to brush it all the time, haha, and I feel that my new haircut matches my style so much better. 

And as spring slowly came around, I started to feel more calm and less depressed. I still have bad days, but it's like I feel much more excited over stuff now. ^^ Making plans, looking forward to life again!

Even my problems with pain is a lot better at the moment. I'm scared to hope for too much, but I started to do workout 3 days a week a month ago, even when I was in pain I still managed to do some movement those days to not break my process chart. I belivie it helps. Some of the most troublesome "painareas" I've had, I haven't felt now for 2 weeks. And my intake of painkillers has drastically reduced. I really really really wish and hope that it will continue like this!  

Right now, I'm preparing for the larp that is in two weeks from now. :) 

I hope all of you is doing great! I was surprised to see that even after 2 months of silence I have 50-90 blogviews most days, thank you <3


  1. Välkommen tillbaka =) Du passar i din nya frisyr =) Jag förstår känslan av att vara fri från nätet. Jag börjar att känna samma sak, även om jag fortfarande tycker att bloggandet är kul.

    1. Ja det är skön känsla att inte känna något beroende efter olika bloggar eller sidor :D

  2. Kul att se något från dig igen :)

  3. Your new hair looks great! And I love your elf outfit! I hope your pain continues to improve! Taking time off from the net sounds good! I only go on to see my overseas friends!

    1. Thank you :D
      Yes I hope so too, it would be nice to be able to make plans without having to worry.

  4. I'm glad to hear that you're alright! ^^ The new haircut is awesome, it suits you. ^^ I was scared of cutting my hair short too, but I'm glad I ended up doing it, I think, this shorter hairstyle - which is, apprently, very similar to yours ^^ - is way cooler and more characteristic. :)

    1. Thank you so much :D yes, I feel that too, I often felt so "bleeh" in the long hair but in this hairstyle I feel cool and awesome all the time, haha!

  5. Welcome back, I missed your posts!
    Your hair looks great by the way :)

  6. Åh vad skönt, hoppas träningen fortsätter hjälpa, det är ju ett lätt botemedel! :) Kan tom göras gratis efter ett tag (gymma hemma, woo!) xD
    Ja, långt hår är jättesnyggt, men man ska orka också! Fast våra korta hår är minst lika snygga såklart. ;D
    Ha så skoj på larpet! (Säger man larpet?) :P

    1. Ja jag tränar allt hemma :D det finns så bra träningsvideos på youtube!

      Det är helt klart snyggast med långt, men jag nöjer mig från och med nu med att avnjuta andras fina hår xD

      Haha, lajvet :D

  7. lovely new hair and good to read youre doing better! hope to see more again, soon!

    1. Thank you so much for your nice comment <3

  8. I love your new hairstyle! Takes a lot of courage to go ahead and cut it, doesn't it? It's very edgey looking. :)

    Larp time!

    1. Thank you :D I actually thought I would feel some regrets afterwards, but I'm only happy!
