Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day before christmas!

The blogosphere seems to be rather dead now at Christmastimes. :'D

I can't believe it's Christmas tomorrow, this month went  by so fast.

So the last few days candy has been made.

Heartshaped bread has been baked.

And Chibi got a new outfit!

Today I will make come cookies and do a little cleaning. 
I hope that all of you are feeling well and are not too stressed out. :)


  1. Those little flower candies look amazing!

    Not too stressed, so today I'll make shortbread and mincemeat tarts ... and since it's just family here on Christmas Day, I'm going to pass on the cleaning! LOL :o)

    1. Thank you! I hope the person who gets them as present will like them.

      How great :D I didn't do much cleaning myself either. xD
