Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A view in my home

Since our apartment is a work in progress I thought it would be fun to take some pictures of it now. In a year or two it will hopefully look much different and more as I want it. I have plans for every room!

(if you click one the pictures you see them larger)

This is the hall. Since we got the cabinet for all our swords I really like it, before it looked so empty. 

Not the best picture but here are our current swordcollection.

Diningroom from both sides. Here I of course would want a black dinnertable with matching chairs. In victorian style! I also want a new lamp. I tried to improve the one we have with bats but it didn't help much :'D 

The kitchen. Not much to see here. Hating the white cabinets but I don't think our landlord would be pleased if I changed them into what we want, hah.

Bedrooom. It's so dark in there so it was hard to get a clear picture at all. It's always a mess since I'm doing all my sewingproject in there. And cats loves sleeping in that room. I wish I was aloud to paint the walls black and red. It's so much I would change if I could afford it, I think it's the room I like the least right now.

Bathroom. Not so cozy :'D 

And so the livingroom. That sofa. We got it for free when we moved in together. The person who gave it to us said it was purple so I said yes before I even saw it. Big mistake. It's the most ugly sofa in the world so it will be replaced soonest possible.

Computercorner :D Where I spend most time of course. 

That was our apartment. In a year I'll do a new entry to see what changed. 


  1. I had a paper lantern in my room my whole childhood. We used to have them all over the house. Black Victorian chairs would be soooo awesome!

    Wow, your hallway is really long! Hallways always remind me of scary movies!

    Yes, it is a pain not to be able to change things when you rent!

    When we had an ugly sofa, I used a big maroon piece of cheap velvet looking stuff to cover the whole thing. It actually looked pretty good! The same piece is currently serving as a curtain to block the light from the lamp outside our window so we can sleep at night in our new place.

    I can't wait to see the changes!

    1. I knooow, everybody who visits says that's the longest hallway they have seen :'D

      That's actually a clever idea. Maybe if I find a cheap and pretty fabric I'll buy it and cover that ugly thing :'D

  2. Wow, this is a really big apartment! And I think it's very nice, even though I get that you'd like it to be gothier. I have the same problem: my bedroom is not bad a all, but it's not goth so I can't really appreciate it. That's because my parents don't like my goth tendencies, but as soon as I move things will change, oh, they will :°°D.
    Btw I loved your swords cabinet, it's so amazing that you have a collection of swords *-* do you mind if I show this post to my boyfriend? I'm sure he'll love it too *-*

    1. Yes it really is, and the best part is that the rent is very low because it outside of the town :'D

      I understand, but at least you can have your room as gothy as you want? I was so happy when my mom painted my room in black and purple and bought black artificial roses for me to put on the wall. That room was epic xD

      yes you absolutely can! :D We are really addicted to pretty swords, and good to have if there ever is a zombie apocalypse. ;)

    2. Sorry, I first misread your comment and thought you wrote bathroom and not bedroom. xD I'm sorry your parents won't let you have your room as you want. :/

    3. Ahah that's ok :D you know, me and my boyfriend too like to talk about how to get prepared for a zombie apocalypse XD that's one of our most recurring topics XD and you know what?, I think us nerds will be the only one to survive it when it'll happen (because it WILL happen, it's just a matter of time).

    4. Really, we talk about it a lot too xD We think we have good chance to at least live for a while.
      So maybe you are right :'D

  3. Jag tycker att hallen är jättefin i synnerhet med kabinettet med svärdsamlingen :).
    Åh Jag tycker absolut att du ska spara köksbordet och måla det svart. Sådana där bord är både praktiska och snygga, praktiska för att man slipper bordsbenen och snygga för att de är klassiska. Om du köper nya stolar till tror jag det blir perfekt. Jag har börjat samla på nyrockoko stolar, de där med rygg som ser ut som ett runt hål. När jag har fått ihop tillräckligt många har jag så att jag kan möblera till en matsal.

    1. Tack! :D Vi är verkligen nöjda med det skåpet!

      Det vore faktiskt en jättebra idé! Jag vet dock inte vilken typ av färg man borde måla med..vad som är hållbarast liksom.

    2. Jag skulle vilja rekommendera linoljefärg men den är inte så hållbar tyvärr (löses upp av linolja)bra att ha i inredningsnickerier i allafall. Nån vattenbaserad snickerifärg skulle jag tro. det beror på vad du vill ha för yta. Om du vill ha blankt så kanske lösningsmedelsbaserad blanksvart. Jag hittade billig o bra färg på biltema förra året (som luktade starkt när man målade :P)

    3. Jag får kolla runt lite, det vore kul att få det så som Ette tipsade om här under att det är svart men man ser fortfarande linjerna av träet. :D

  4. Jag tycker er lägenhet är fin! men som du säger, man blir sugen på all måla om allt i mörka färger :P
    Tänk att du ska hålla dig ett helt år innan du visar hela hemmet igen, haha :D Man blir ju så sugen på att visa allt nytt man ändrar om!

    1. Mhm, här är i princip alla väggar beige. Wtf.

      Haha, ja fast om jag ändrar nåt gör jag förmodligen ett separat inlägg om det men uppdaterar ett massivt som det här med före och efter bilder om ett år :'D

  5. That's a very large apartment with a very long hallway! It is difficult when you rent and can't change things to the way you'd like. The very first place I rented when I moved away from home, I painted the bathroom purple with a large black Harley Davidson eagle on the wall. The landlord was pissed! Didn't get my damage deposit back, either. :D

    I'm just in the process of painting our kitchen table and chairs black. It's turning out really well - you might want to try it yourself! Pictures next week, probably ... :o)

    1. It truly is xD maybe they should have made a big bedroom instead.

      Haha, that's just epic.

      Yes I'm thinking about that now after all the comments here, I just don't know what sort of paint I should use. ^^

    2. Definitely chalk paint, if you can find it over there. No prep work, except for a little light sanding first. I love that stuff!!

  6. Häftigt med svärden! Snygg inredningsdetalj. Lägenheten ser stor ut och jag kan tänka mig att den kommer bli hur snygg som helst med tiden. Saker som fula köksluckor drar ju ner så mycket. Jag vet för jag hade exakt likadana köksluckor och handtag förut och jag hatade dem också, sjukt mycket. Nu har jag genom hyrespåslag fått nya som jag tycker mycket bättre om. Det är inte möjligt att ni kan göra något sådant? Ifall ni har VLU-underhåll vill säga. Ser ut som att hallgolvet är exakt sådant jag hade i mitt vardagsrum också. Även ert badrumsgolv påminner om mitt. Kanske kommer de från samma ställe? Vi bor ju trots allt i samma stad.

    1. Tack :D
      Ja den är verkligen stor för det priset vi betalar.

      Mhm, jag vet inte varför det alltid ska vara sånadär kärringluckor överallt där man bor. Alltså..de är inte så tillmötesgående de vi hyr av så jag tvivlar på att man skulle få igenom nåt sånt förslag :/ men värt ett försök.

      Ja vi hyr via Mälarblocket och de har ju lägenheter inne i Västerås också :)

  7. I think yuor apartment is full of posibilities! It looks big, and when you have space enough in a house you have the half of the work done. Just take it like a long-duration plan and things will happen. I mean, you don´t need all the walls of the house painted in black to achieve a good dark romantic atmosphere. Details are the key, I guess. Stuff like pretty curtains, bed linen or carpets turn a house into a home :)

    1. Yes you are so right :) I'm planning to buy fabric for the bedroom to put on the walls to make it more cozy.

  8. You have a really beautiful flat. And as already said, you can do much without painting all the walls.
    I wanted to suggest you to paint the table and chairs as well. Is it solid wood? Then you could as well grind off the clear paint and use black wood stain. This would colour the wood, not paint the surface, so you will be able to see the structure through it. I love the effect of it.
    And you can consider yourself lucky: The majority of our walls is paneled with wood in a disgusting brown colour. There are only very few colours I like less than brown and you can't combine it easily with any other colour. And of course I can't paint it.

    1. Thank you :D

      Yes, I belivie it's solid wood, I actually think your idea is very nice and would look pretty!

      Oh I feel for you, brown is not a funny color to handle with.
