Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Good things with being unemployed.

I have been unemployed for 5 months. And mostly, I think of the negative stuffs with it. 
But a few days ago I actually realized how much I have changed as a person because of the long period I have been home. I have had time to get to know myself a little bit and found the person I want to be.
Things has changed (for the better) in my lifestyle in comparison to how it was 5 months ago. 
For example, I have finally started with No poo that I've wanted for so long! 
It's both good for the environment and my body.

I dared to take the step to completely stop using makeup which is also a step in the direction of the person I always wanted to be. I finally dare to go against what our society says is the right thing to do for a woman.

I had also the New Year's resolution to cut down on my sugar consumption. Before 2013 I drank Coca-Cola every day, just one glass, but there is still a lot of sugar cubes in that daily glass! Nowadays I'm limited to Fridays and Saturdays, and I have succeeded to lower my sugar needs thanks to that.
I also have stopped buying bread in stores. I bake everything myself and have done so for a month now.

During the first month of 2013, I have also managed quite well with my New Year's resolution to eat more vegetarian so I hope I manage to continue in the same style!

Well, now was this a wall of text, but I felt I wanted to share with you the happiness I feel that I'm getting more satisfied with the way I live. :)


  1. I used to have a very bad Coke/Pepsi addiction, too. Good for you for giving it up - you'll feel much better for it! However, homemade bread is something I would never be able to give up!! :D

    1. Yes I belivie I will :D Darn that coke tasting so good xD Hopefully after a while not drinking it so often it will taste pure sugar only.

      Homemade bread is the best! :D

  2. Yay! Glad för din skull :) <3
    Jag är också på väg i riktningen "neutral", som jag alltid haft i baktankarna. Naturliga produkter, inget smink, mindre kött och socker... well, vi får se hur det blir med godis, men maten ska bättras iallafall!

    Har du några bra recept på bröd? Vi försöker också baka mycket bröd, men de flesta recepten är tråkiga :/

    Och ja, man får så mycket tid till annat utan jobb/skola... ibland FÖR mycket tid ^^

    1. Uhm, jag tror jag menar natural! Naturlig... öh ja :D haha

    2. Tack :D
      Det känns på nåt sätt som att livet ska bli bättre om man inte proppar i kroppen massa konstigheter, haha. Men godis..oj vad svårt jag kommer ha att sluta äta sånt ofta. Jag älskar sötsaker!

      Jag har en matblogg som jag inte skriver på längre men där finns massa goda bröd iaf http://sabinabakar.blogg.se/category/brod.html
      De recepten använder jag en hel del, speciellt de sockerfria tekakorna! Hoppas du hittar nåt ^^

  3. Oh, I am in the same pro-organic food wave right now. Sometimes it's kind of hard, but this helps to cultivate will, isn't it?
