Sunday, February 17, 2013

Long lost bestfriend

I'm so happy right now so I need a place to write this down. When I was 9 I had the best friend in the world. We had so much fun together, we liked the same things, we could play with barbiedolls forever and we were never bored, we always came up with fun and crazy things to do. She felt like a sister to me, some of my best childhood memories I have is with her and my sister.

Then we moved to another town and lost contact. My mom thought it was unnecessary that we kept in touch, she said it was better that I found a new best friend. And since we moved from Finland to Sweden when I was 13 our friendship really was lost by then.

Through all the years I have thought about her a lot. I never found a friend like that again.
So when facebook came I looked for her, over and over again but no result.

Then one day in July 2011 I got a friendrequest from her!
Oh the happiness! We e-mailed a lot, and I even cried and we talked memories.
And now, if everything goes as planned, she will come and visit me next month!
I can't describe how happy (but also scared) this makes me, I really hope that our friendship still is as strong, it feels like a dream that I will finally meet my best friend again. :D


  1. Åh vad härligt! :D

    Visste inte att du är från Finland. Coolt. :) Jag har både finskt och tornedalsfinskt påbrå själv.

    1. Ja det känns helt overkligt :D

      Åhå, vi är många i Sverige med finskt blod! Jag bodde i Jakobstads-krokarna de flesta åren.

  2. That's so exciting! It will be interesting to see the different ways you both have changed over the years, but I bet you'll have a million things to talk about! :D

    1. Yes, it truly will, I hope we still feel comfortable in each others company. ^^

  3. Iiih, vad kul! :D
    Jag har också en vän sedan 27 år tillbaka som jag träffar allt för sällan, det börjar alltid med pinsam tystnad :P haha, men sen har vi skitkul ihopa! Samma sjuka humor och allt det där ^^
    Hmm, vad allt är lättare när man är ung!

    1. Eller, när man var barn, menar jag! xD

    2. Haha eller hur, senast vi sågs lekte vi ju med barbiesar och kurragömma så jag är lite orolig att vi inte ska komma på nåt att göra nu :'D
