Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My wonderful life, chapter 1

First introduction day was today :D I was excited to find out where I was going to have a job for the next 6 months, I had dreams (or nightmares ;P) about kindergartens all night, haha!

And now I'm so so happy because I got a school kitchen! So nice because that is the sort of job I've done in the past and I know that I'm good at it!
And to make things even better the school is next to my boyfriends university so we can carpool which means I can practice driving A LOT and get my license soon!
Today, life is wonderful, mhm!

I'm gonna celebrate with some ice-cream!


  1. WAHOO! Congratulations darling!

    1. Thank youuu. I'm so happy to finally have a job!

  2. Yay kul! :) Ska du jobba på Carlforska? Det är den enda skola jag kommer att tänka på som ligger nära högskolan.

    1. Ja det kommer bli superkul att jobba igen :D det är på rudbecks gymnasieskola ^^

    2. Min gamla skola! :D Där gick jag 99-02.

  3. Congrats, Lesthi - it is a perfect world today, isn't it? I'm so happy for you! :D

  4. Yay! Kan det bli bättre än såhär? ;P Congrats igen! :D
    Phew, nä dagis hade jag aldrig orkat! Haha, jag kan bara tänka mig hur döv och öm i hela kroppen man varit efter en dag!

    1. No it can't :D jag ville typ skrika av lycka när jag såg var jag skulle vara, haha!

      Mhm, barn och jag är nog en av världens sämsta kombinationer dessutom, jag blir helt stel och konstig i deras närvaro. xD

    2. :D

      Haha, exakt samma här... typ, hur ska man bete sig utan att framstå som ett complete moron? :P

  5. Wonderfully exciting news!
    You look quite lovely too! Goodness, the prosperous news is raining all over today =D

    1. YEEES, I'm so happy!

      Thank you, I was very pleased with todays outfit!
      It seems like march is a good month this year for many people! :D

  6. Wow, congratulations! I hope it will meet your expectations and will help you to find a job for more than 6 months. All the best of luck!
