Friday, January 25, 2013

About jobs

I have not heard anything yet from the café I was on interview for last week, unfortunately.
 So I guess they chose another person. 

But I was on an interview today!
This time as a webwriter.
Even if I don't get this job, I can say that I am very proud  to have been called for an interview because I have no education in writing, it's just something I like to do in spare time. So I'm really flattered to get a chance for a job like that.

It was such a nice interview, the women was so kind and easy to talk to!
I also had to write a 300 word text. I hope they liked it!

Feels like the only time I wear something else than pyjamas nowadays are on jobinterviews. ;D


  1. Good for you :D!
    It sounds like a nice job, I'd love to do it; it's kind of like being a journalist, isn't it?
    Oh, and nice gotiloli outfit by the way :D I love the skirt *_* (and the necklace, and the hairband).

    1. The job is to write small texts that must contain a specific word chosen by the customer. Hard to explain, but the intention is that the text will help customers to get higher up in the search engines on the internet :'D

      Thank you! I was very pleased with this outfit! ^^

  2. Pyjamas FTW! :D
    Vad bra att det kändes skönt på intervjun, good luck! ;)

    1. Öh, Vad SKÖNT att det kändes BRA på intervjun, skulle det stå. Kastar om ord till höger och vänster xD

    2. Haha! Det blev ju en rolig mening xD

      Oh yes, jag älskar pyjamas. jag har varit så hela livet, det tar ungefär 5 sekunder efter att jag kommit hem innan pyjamasen är på :'D

  3. Good luck on this interview! I think it's a shame that they don't call you back anymore even if you don't get the job. That would be the nice thing to do, so you're not left wondering ... :P

    1. Thanks :D

      I agree with you..they said they would call in a FEW days. This is more than a week now, grrr.

  4. Lycka till, hoppas du får jobbet! :)
    Snygg outfit och snygg ny banner på din blogg. :)

    1. Tack så mycket för dina fina kommentar! :D Kul att du noterade bannern!

  5. Åh vad fint klädd du var till intervjun! Jag är övertygad om att du gjorde ett gott intryck. Hoppas att det går bra :)

    1. Tack :D
      Jag hoppas verkligen det, hon var så väldigt trevlig så jag tror att hon gillade mig åtminstone!
