Sunday, February 10, 2013

Me, me and me!

Sometimes I take beautiful backgrounds that talented persons on Deviantart has photographed and put myself in them. Because it's so much fun!
(click on the pictures to see them bigger)

First I made this, I love that graveyard photo and it needed a ghost!


Lastly, I created this one and then I sort of felt I was done for the day. 

I always tell and show the artists of what I have done with their photos so they can decide if I can have the pictures here or if they want them removed. :)


  1. Fint! :) Har du konto på DeviantART?

    1. Tack :D Ja det har jag, är dock inte så aktiv sen jag började blogga, ibland glömmer jag bort att ladda upp bilder där :P

  2. They're fantastic - that last one is my favourite!

  3. That sounds fun! I wish I was good enough at photoshop to do that! I just upload pictures of myself onto Deviantart in the hope someone else will use them in their pictures!

    1. Yes I visited your account a few weeks ago :D You have pretty pictures and it's good that you have that sort of pictures so people can use them like this if they don' wanna photograph themself ^^

  4. You're very good at this! I've tried several times but I've always come out with a mess XD
    The first one is the one that came out the best, you blend in with the background quite well, but I like the concept of the second one more :) it seems like the cover of a urban fantasy book :D

    1. Thank you so much :D
      It's so tricky to get the right colors to fit in to the background and I agree with you, the first one looks the best!

  5. Oh pretties! :D Jag skulle vilja lära mig photoshop utan- och innantill! Det är väl det enda "bra" programmet man använder för sånt här? :)

    1. Ja jag med xD jag har jättesvårt för att lära mig saker i photoshop och jag blir bara arg när jag ska följa tutorials, haha.
      Ja jag tror photoshop är det ultimata för bildredigering i alla fall :D
