Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This red week..

I'm so bitter at my body right now. Feels like it's always one thing or the other.
The past two months my period has been behaving quite odd.
Last month I got really intense pain one evening, so I could only lie down. Then I started to feel terribly bad, it felt like I would throw up the whole night and it was such a pain that I even called a doctor to ask about the symptoms for appendicitis.
The following day my period came, and I've always had menstrual cramps since I was 12, but this was something else! I absolutely could not even walk for 3 days, all the food I took in popped out at once and it ripped and tore and buckled in the stomach. What a relief when my period was over! I was sore for a week in my entire body afterwards.

This was about a month ago now and 1 week ago I started having small contractions that felt like menstrual cramps, so I figured now it is probably on its way but noep! Several days went by and I could not sleep for the pain and it was heavy to work. So yesterday I had the most intense pain I've ever known, and a few minutes later I started to threw up again and again. A colleague had to drive me home and yesterday I lay all day in bed and just shook out the pain and felt nauseus. And the menstruation didn't even start until today!
And I have the same pain in the stomach and the body now that I had last month. I already have extra strong pills from doctors, but they doesn't seem to help as they used to.

Anyone have any tips? I have a doctors appointment next week.
I can not work, I can not even leave the couch because of the pain. How can the body change like this?
I have always had menstrual pain but never ever puked because of it before and I've definitely been able to live a fairly normal life during the menstrual week.


  1. Har du haft det mycket stressigt senaste tiden? För jag har råkat ut för det du beskriver (mycket ont, får inte behålla maten osv) när det har varit mycket spänningar och stress eller när de släpper. Kan vara något att fundera på.

    1. Ja svår fråga, jag är ju en allmänt uppstressad människa nästan jämt O.o

  2. Åh fy :( och jag trodde jag hade skitont.
    Jag har också alltid haft hemsk mensvärk, men om det har gjort riktigt jäkla ont, så har det bara varat i 1 dag eller 2.
    Min salvation blev p-stav! Inga röda veckor, ingen värk. <3
    Jag hoppas det blir bättre och att du kan få något annat för smärtan.
    Vad jag hört så ska värme på nedre magen och nedre ryggen vara bra.

    1. Åh jag vill verkligen inte ta preventivmedel, jag vill inte krångla till kroppen med hormoner så jag hoppas det går att hitta en annan lösning D:

  3. My God, that's very strange! Are you sure you don't have any conditions? Cramps are one thing, but the pain you're in is a whole other thing. You should really see your gynecologist and have your body checked, something is definitely going on.
    I'm sorry you're feeling this bad, honey :( I hope you'll get fine soon.

    1. I don't know, I hope to get some answers next week :/

  4. Nej men usch. Att man ska behöva ha det så där för lite mens ? Hoppas det var tillfälligt eller att du hittar på något som kan råda bot på det. Livet i en kvinnokropp är hårt :(

    1. ja mer än en gång har jag önskat att jag vore född i en manskropp! Hade säkert lyckats förföra Mattias ändå liksom ;P

  5. That's awful! You really should get it checked out if it changed so suddenly and is giving you that much discomfort.

  6. My cramps are debilitating-- the way you're describing it is how it always was for me. It's genetic for me, but if you haven't ever had them this painful then it's time to make an appointment to the gyno. What helped my situation is using the patch contraceptive. I don't remember why my doctor had said that this method worked... but it does, and since getting onto the patch haven't had a single cramp.
    The way I dealt with it before was take 2 midols at the first signs of pain, if the pain manages to burst through the meds (which they did), I just used a hot water bottle and prayed it ended quickly lol.

    Good luck!

  7. Haven't you lost - or perhaps gained, but I personally don't think so...:P - weight recently? Something similar happened to me when I was 15 - 16 and suddenly just lost 15 kilograms...I took some extra strong spells and it settled with time, but a friend of mine, for example has always suffered like you; she can't get up, she can't eat, she's cranky during those days...it's horrible.

    1. Right now I really wish it had been something like that!

  8. You should really go to a doctor. Those kind of changes usually don't happen for nothing. It could be a sign of vaginal cysts.

  9. :-( stackars stackars dig, det låter olidligt, det du har. Jag hade mensvärk i högstadiet men den försvann efter jag började med p-piller. Men du ska inte behöva äta det om du inte vill. Kan det vara endometrios? Jag läste på wiki att vissa använder TENS för att lindra smärtan. Hoppas att du får professionell hjälp nästa vecka. Ta hand om dig <3

    1. Tack för din kommentar, nu har jag fått veta att det var det så. Kanske ska kolla upp tens ifall jag fortsätter ha ont innan cystorna kan tas bort.

  10. I have send you note on fb. its hidden so you must use your power to seek it

  11. Jag har läst att om man har andra problem så kan kramper/smärta på andra ställen i magområdet kicka igång själva blödningen i mensen. Som ringar på vattnet liksom. Om man bortser helt från mens-delen av ditt problem så skulle det kunna låta väldigt mycket som gallsten, så det kan vara värt att kolla upp det också. Hoppas att det ordnar sig!
