Thursday, October 29, 2015

Halloween home

I am finally done decorating for halloween! 

Just kidding, my home is constanly halloweenthemed, why take down such perfect decorations?
Although I am very disappointed at what the stores were offering this year I managed to find some great stuff!
Like this garland with skeleton hands! So very very nice :)

And halloween is the perfect time to find black artificial roses, I bought one for this vase I got as a birthday gift in September.

The candy in the stores wasn't so spectacular either, but I tried these:

These lanterns aren't new, but I love them very much so they deserved to be in this entry :D 

Happy Halloween everyone :D 


  1. Your house looks great, Lesthi! I didn't buy one new thing this year ... as a matter of fact, I took a lot of my old Hallowe'en decorations to a local store to try and sell. I'm paring down my collection and keeping just the regular day-to-day things that are always out. Less work that way. Am I getting old or what. ;)

    1. I understand, I actually do the same from time to time, I hate to be crowded with stuffs :P

  2. Your house looks great! The cat is a cutie! Yep shops were really bad! Nothing affordable looked any good!

    1. Thank you! :D I feel like the stores used to take in much more cool stuff earlier years :/

  3. Yes, it's always Halloween in my house, too, but it's always lovely adding a little extra each Halloween. Your house looks lovely.

    Happy Halloween ♥

  4. Vilken supersöt kitty :)
    Happy Halloween!
