Tuesday, October 20, 2015

New glasses!

After 2 years of faithful service, my old glasses had to go.
Working in a kitchen is not the best circumstances for glasses I tell you, with all the steam and splashes. It was getting hard to see anything with all the permanent stains and smears.

I think that glasses are an perfect occasion to renew oneself, so I always get a completely different pair than what I had before, even so this time!

I'm not a person that wears makeup reguarly, but I wanted to try it with the new ones because they have a shape I belivie will show more of the eyes. 

Takes some time to get used to as always, but I think that I will like these :)


  1. SO PRETTY! I love frameless glasses! LOVE THEM.

    1. Thank you! Me too, expecially now after wearing glasses with HUGE frames thes two years, haha!

  2. Love them! Very smart and subtle. I think glasses can be a lovely style accessorie. Good choice!

    1. Thanks :D Yes, when one has to wear them everyday it's easier to deal with if I see it as a nice accessorie.

  3. Oh I love them, they are gorgeous on you. Yeah big frames are great and all but they kinda take over the look I find sometimes. I wear massive frames and been thinking of downsizing but it seems hard to find a smaller pair! Its all very statement with frames these days. Your one are more delicate I think :) Love the bandana too btw.

    1. Thank you :D Yes, now that I got these I feel like the old ones really took over my face too much O.o

  4. They really suit you! I've often thought of getting frameless, but I stick to the same old round glasses I've worn for the past thirty years. I look like John Lennon. No, really. ;)

    1. Haha, I like John Lennon glasses but they don't suit me at all :'D
