Sunday, May 28, 2017

Good news!

Hellooo! Are there anyone reading this? :'D
I have been gone for a while. 

And the good news I have to share is that I get to stay at the job as a printmaker that I started in November :D  That is amazing! It was certainly a luckystrike getting that job so I finally could leave my kitchencareér FOREVER. Good bye dirty dishes and bitter costumers and Hello nonstressful workplace with oh so many perks :'D

I took an outfitpicture a few weeks ago. It's my favourite dress right now because it's so cute but also cozy. :)

And I'm so happy to have this little one in our family nowadays! Every familygathering is so much more entertaining, haha!

To end this entry I give 2 pictures from the last larp I attended where I managed to be photographed twice, wohoo! 

Photo by Susan Nilsson. 


  1. Congrautaions on your job it sounds interesting and it's always good to get that stress free

  2. The food service industry is a hard one! What is it about people and their food that makes them so cranky? Glad you have a much more enjoyable job now.

    Cute LARP pictures and very cute baby! :)

    1. I know it's weird :O maybe they are just too hungry, haha!

      Thank you <3
